Monday, July 1, 2013

June time

Welp, unfortunately I did not take as many pictures as I usually do this month. This could be because I accidentally spilled a large bottle of water on my camera. And it was sad. But please do revel in the cuteness of the pictures I was able to capture. Enjoy!


Glory! Nothing like a sweet sleeping baby to spark a tear in your eye and make you thankful for life.

Helping daddy cook. 

Father's Day breakfast. Sam is a biscuitaholic. So we had biscuits.

Best Father's day photo I could get:)

Sweet face

Father's day dessert that we took out in about...38 seconds? 

Our little ladybug with ladybug friend Sophia. Sophia was a little more compliant for the photo as you can see...

All the little ladybugs-a crack up because NO ONE is smiling.

and no smiles again, but they sure are cute!

And Ian turned 5 months old! 6 months is next...what???


  1. This is so great!! Honey, thank you for posting these pictures! I love them!! What yummy biscuits and desserts you make!! Yum Yum Yum! The children are so cute and handsome! You are a GREAT MOM! Love you.

  2. LOVE this! Your family is precious, Ian's cheeks are munchable, and the ladybugs are hilarious :) Love you!
