Wednesday, May 8, 2013

April in Review

Dear readers of,
I hope you enjoy viewing our April photos. These kids. They're so darn cute. So is that husband/dad. See below to see what I'm talking about:)

Photo booth at Trustin Bonow's birthday party (circus themed)

Our little Shiloh clown

Receiving an unenthusiastic, but very cute hug from buddy Blythe.

Playing together:)

Ian tried out the Bumbo for the first time this month. Here he is contemplating the beauty of these flowers. 

Family picture at the museum. We have a lot of "great" selfie family photos like this. I should do a blog tribute to all of those sometime for a laugh.

Park time with daddy

He's so much fun!

Picking mint with daddy

I'm so cute! 

Snack time at her big girl table

Sam, being a TROOPER-sitting in the backseat between the kids-trust me, that was a TIGHT space. Selfless.

JJ came to visit us for diadeloso!!!

And we got to take our picture with the famous monkey-thanks for the hookup Cathy!

Papa, Ian, Gracie and Charlie hanging out

At the Fort Worth Zoo run with Nani

Our best bluebonnet picture this year...did anyone see where the bluebonnets were???


Looking pretty at Miss Nellie's pretty place

A sweet daddy

Shiloh having some bassinet time:)

CRAZY naptime hair!

The big Binkleys on a recent date

And again, another "I'm the best dad ever" photo

And I'm 3 months old!!! (Actually I'm a week away from being four months old, but you know, whatever:)


  1. Sweetheart! This is a beautiful blog (OF COURSE). You forgot to mention how amazing you are in the blog - that you are the most beautiful woman and that you are the best mom to our dear little ones!

    You are amazing!!

  2. Washing! There needs to be a comment button below each picture! I just have so much to say about this blog post!
    Adorable family! Such a great mom to document her awesome family being so cute! Shiloh looks like a great big sister.
    Eating snack at her big girl table..she looks just like you Courtney!
    You guys look like you are having a good time on your date! Way to care for your marriage.
    Ian is already moved up a size in his bum genius elementals? Jude is 6 months and still hasn't moved up! What a big boy! His hair is awesome.
    Love this and y'all.

  3. Drying!! Again, like Anna, I could comment on every picture. But some of my favs are the family pic at Trustin's party where Ian look very displeased and then Shiloh timidly hugging Blythe. So funny. I can't believe how big Shiloh is! She looks beautiful in the bluebonnet pic! Ok, that's all.

  4. Ahhh! What a cute family. Sam, way to be selfless and sit in the squashy backseat. Shiloh, way to look beautiful in those bluebonnets. Ian, way to be a short, dark, and handsome kid. And Courtney, way to be. Way to be a great mom, encourager, photographer, hostess, recorder-of-everyday-life, and household manager. Love these updates!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Your encouragement was...encouraging! Believe me, I need it! I love you!
