Wednesday, April 11, 2012

9 months and March in Easter pictures

Hello Binkley/Shiloh fans!
Welp, another month gone by. And what have we been up to you ask?
Shiloh has hit the 3/4 of a year mark and losing more of her baby-ness by the second! I tell Sam we need to soak up all of this baby Shiloh while it lasts, cause it is fading fast...but only to be replaced with a beautiful toddler Shiloh. But that doesn't mean I didn't shed a couple tears on her 9 month celebration day:)
This month we got to take another road trip with Auntie JC to go visit Anna and Andrew in Alabama!!! This is Shiloh's 2nd 10+ hour roadtrip with JC since she has been born. And she did great! (Shiloh, not JC...but JC did good too) We had too much fun!
Many other great things happened this month as can be seen in our pictorial month in review found below...enjoy!

On our way to Alabama-stopped in Mississippi

She was doing great until the last hour of our trip...I think this blow out diaper could have had something to do with it:) But her mighy mug cheered her up!

Aunt Anna and Uncle Andrew got Shiloh her very own Alabama outfit-posed appropriately with Bear Bryant in the background.

Don't do it JC!

Andrew got a flower for Shiloh's hair

Shiloh loved the slippery wood floors in our cabin.

Another flower child photo

Hiking in the ergo wore Shiloh out!

Okay, so I left out many embarrassing photos so far, but could not resist a couple. (Left out group P90X  photo as well as hot tub shots:)

Saying goodbye:(

First driving lesson with Auntie JC

I completed the Bearathon...5K...but it felt like the half!

Making macarons!

Family photo in Cameron Park
Classic bluebonnet photos

We tried to explain that she was breaking the law, but she still showed no regard.

Evidence of her crime

And later in the month came a visit from Aunt Catherine and Uncle Nick!

Conversing with Uncle Nick at Cafe Capp

Okay, I know Easter was in April, but I figured some family members out there might be wanting to see some of these.

Hunting for eggs

Lots of the Lifegroup babies 



    Who writes these blogs??? I mean who REALLY writes these blogs???/

    They are a GENIOUS! A master of prose and history!! Such great choices in photos and takes me back to the good old days of March...How WONDERFUL


  2. I LOVE the family bluebonnet picture! I cannot wait for our daughters to meeeeeeet!!!!

  3. She is absolutley wonderful! I love this blog so much! It is the absolute best. Please...for ten months do TWO posts this month. I just can't stand it!

  4. Andrew and I are loving this walk down memory lane via Binkley Bedtime Stories and Sam's comments.
