Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5 months old!

Dear Shiloh,
I've been keeping note of things you have been doing throughout the month so that I could blog about them later. You only continue to sleep better and better. God is helping us with this one for sure-we pray every night for our sleep to be sweet and it is very much so. You sleep so peacefully that at first, mommy and daddy would come in and check your breathing and if you weren't convincing enough, I'd give you a little poke just to be sure. One of my favorite things to do is come peek at you before we go to bed. You are so cute when you sleep! (or when you do almost anything!) Thankfully you can sleep through us tiptoeing on our creeky boards. I must admit, I sometimes miss you because you go to bed before us and then you nap a long time during the day! But it's nice to get things done around the house too.
Another favorite thing for you and I to do is play on the big bed. I'll lean over you and make ridiculous faces and sounds and you LOVE it! This is the only time I can get a laugh out of you at this point, so we do it a lot:)
People often comment on how alert you are-again, I interpret this as "Wow, your daughter is a genuis!" But really, it is so fun to see you take in the world around you. You seem so fascinated by new things. Like we went to the zoo this past month with Pops and you loved looking at the animals-especially the fish at the aquarium. You were wide eyed and growing in your intellect-I just know it!
Other fun things you did this month-finding out that you can put your feet in your mouth. This, of course, is very cute.
Things we find funny: Daddy created a song a while back that we often sing. Simple lyrics: "eat, eat baby, eat, eat, eat baby" And repeat that over and over again. It's more of a chant than a song, but we think it is funny when we do it.
And final funny thing is when we try to get your attention and you want to look everywhere else except for at us. Daddy will make crazy noises in an attempt to get your eye contact, but often to no avail:) But don't get me wrong, you LOVE your daddy! You get to sit with him almost every night at dinner because he has missed you all day while he is at work. Isn't that sweet of him?
Now for the past month in pictures...

Getting ready to go to the Homecoming Bonfire
So, we made Shiloh an adorable "Lil' Bear" shirt, but she was not excited about showing it off:)

I think all that crying from the aforementioned photo shoot, wore her out for that evening:)
One of my most proud moments of the month: homemade donuts with Nutella on top!
Love having a pile of pink laundry
So, I hear Shiloh crying unusually hard before a nap the other day and this is why. She could not get her lovie off of her face. This is why they have the "Back to Sleep" campaign people:)
Bundled up for a walk

Fun with Daddy!

Shopping at Round Rock to celebrate Abigail's birthday!

Reading with Daddy before church
Q: Courtney, can you enjoy a latte at a cutesy coffee shop and feed Shiloh at the same time? A: Of course!
Q: Does that make you cool? A: Probably not.
Good company
With Nani, G-Nannie, and G-Papa before Mimi's concert in Dallas
I think the shirt steals the caption:)
Shiloh loves her great grandmommy!
And her great granddaddy!
At the zoo in the aquarium (photo courtesy of Pops)
Know why this picture gets on here? Not just because it looks delicious (and it was), no. This picture is on here to show you what Sam made for us so I didn't have to cook (which made it taste that much better!)
5 months old!!!

She's getting better acquainted with her mermaid:)

She still loves her thumb!


  1. OH my goodness! I might just die of so much cuteness!! What an awesome blog this is...by far the BEST! The writer is so beautiful and so elegant with her words! It's such a joy to read!! Shiloh you are too cute and beautiful for words, just like your mommy!

  2. Can't. Handle. This. I miss her!! She is so beautiful! My fave pic: second to last - Mama and Baby Self Portrait :)

  3. Ha! Love this, as always! LOVE Sam's comments - perfect! Shiloh really is ADORABLE and I haven't even met her yet!

  4. Ah! I love her! She is so precious. I especially love the first 5 month old picture...but how can I really choose a favorite. I can't. Love you!

  5. I always enjoy reading about Shiloh's milestones and seeing all the cute pictures. Love you all! What a stellar blog!

  6. Ah, Courtney! She is growing so fast!!! We can't wait to see y'all in a week and three days!
    ~Amanda and Zachary
